Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Meet Zac

The Siddons family is very happy to introduce our newest family member, Zac! Zac was born in China, but will one day soon be coming home to our family! We first saw Zac's picture on March 1, 2011 and immediately fell in love! We have been chasing the paperwork to bring him home ever since!

We started on the path of adoption a couple of years ago. We weren't sure where to begin, what countries should be consider? What age of child? Boy or Girl? Siblings? So many questions. We researched and researched. We went down several different avenues trying to figure out where God was leading us. Then, on March 1, 2011 God showed us a picture of a little boy and we knew at that exact moment that this child was meant to be part of our family. We called his sponsoring agency that same day and started all the paperwork.

There are many milestones in the adoption process. And we are happy to be past the majority of them now. All of our documents are now in order and have been sent to China and logged into their system (this is called your LID (log-in date) and is a major milestone). Our official log-in date was August 12, 2011. The next milestone is LOA (Letter of Approval)....this will be sent to us from the CCAA somewhere around 2 months after LID. After LOA comes TA (or Travel Approval) which means everything is in place and we can Travel to China to pick up Zac! We are very very very excited!

We were recently able to send him a photobook of pictures of his soon-to-be family. He should have received it sometime during this last week. I can't begin to imagine what is going through his head? How much do they tell him? Does he understand? Is he having dreams about his new family like his new family is having dreams about him?

One cool thing is that someone we know was able to visit his orphanage last July and was able to meet Zac and his best friend, Li Li. Through this person, we were able to find out that Zac's best friend is also going to be adopted in the US....and she should be traveling home to Texas near the same time that we get to pick up Zac! I have emailed Li Li's future family and we both hope to keep the kids in touch! How cool!

Please stay tuned for more updates......

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